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Welcome madame. I confess to having similar thoughts when I heard about that.
Re: Someone needs to change that boy's diaper ! Talk about egotistic ! -- Slim Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/15/2021, 13:31:38

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It was probably a mistake for him to have been there in the first place, all things considered. Too much ego and not enough brains/training/experience to be in that sort of explosive situation. To his credit, KR has admitted as much recently (with the benefit of hindsight).  

Understanding it from KR's (lawyers') POV, Xiden openly, blatantly equated him with being a white supremacist, only because KR was part of a group of legally-armed citizens who were patrolling a (BLM/anarchist et al) riot-zone in order to administer medical aid to any injured and protect private property from looting/wanton destruction. The latter occurred because law enforcement was unable/unwilling to do so. 

Mr. Rittenhouse has expressed his endorsement of the BLM's right to assemble and protest peacefully - he considers them a legitimate organization. I disagree with him in that regard (I believe that they are essentially a terrorist organization pretending to be an activist group), but note the deafening silence from the anti-conservative sector on KR's statement of support.
With due respect it is safe to say that Xiden has a history of making ignorant public statements. He once advocated that people feeling threatened by violence should, "fire warning shots into the air". Ignorant is a polite term for such bad advice (illegal and dangerous). 

How KR's behavior as a medic/security during a riot equates with white supremacy is known only to Xiden who is being sued civilly, as are other public entities (libel against KR). Maybe KR wants money for his trouble. That is the way of the world.  

Please correct me if I am inaccurate in any regard, Chatelaine. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Wed, Dec 15, 2021, 19:12:01

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