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Re: Hey. Poison THIS, you schmuck. -- TEEBONE Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

11/21/2021, 14:38:57

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..from an elementary strategic perspective - ACFs are perpetually "playing to the jury" by coming up with asinine "explanations" which make no rational sense. Desperate defense attorney's do the same thing (as do some desperate prosecutors, hint, hint).  

The trial of the Butcher of Brentwood was the awakening for black supremacists. They saw how there existed a mechanism (wholly legal no less) in which morality/reason could be circumvented and a person guilty of even something as heinous as double murder could walk free. This was a revelation of exceeding good fortune to savages who, like three-year-olds, believe that "good people" give them what they want, and "bad people" deny them. 

That is the doctrine of black supremacy - the same as the doctrine of three-year-olds. If you don't get what you want - throw a violent tantrum. 

The correct way to deal with them (either one) is to deny them what they demand, and punish them. Better for them, better for society. 

Savages believe they owe the society which created them NOTHING...

Modified by LateForLunch at Sun, Nov 21, 2021, 14:42:49

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