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Michael Crichton's State of Fear should be required reading for every conservative yea, every student in every screwl ( sic) in the nation.
Re: Tools In The Service Of Tyranny -- ZeroHedge -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

11/20/2021, 12:33:49

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In that book, Crichton traces the process by which politicians (organized criminals embedded in government) maintain a never-ending parade of excuses for inflicting tyranny on innocent masses. For example, the Soviet Union concocted an endless series of supposed "crises" from the immediate aftermath of the Revolution, which "prevented" their tyrannical, murderous government from making good on their promise to bring "Proletarian justice/rule" to replace Tzarist "oppression". In fact, the Bolsheviks (Communists) only replaced one form of tyranny which ran roughshod over the People's rights, with another. They successfully administrated that "temporary emergency" for the entire 80-year span of rule under Communism. 

Note on proper English: The content of this wonderful article is great. That being said, the first sentence used incorrect English (which though very common, is unworthy of such an otherwise-great piece of writing). The author wrote the question, 

 "What does a virus, a Marxist movement, and bans on firearms have in common?" but it should have read, "What DO a virus, a Marxist movement and bans on firearms have in common?" Another equally-correct way to have phrased it would have been, "What does a virus have in common with a Marxist movement and bans on firearms?" The word "does" properly only applies to a singular object, not a plural word/ phrase (discrete nouns/pronouns linked by commas or "and"  form a plural phrase). A singular "does" while plurals "do". The object of "do" or "does" must be the word/phrase immediately following them. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Nov 20, 2021, 12:57:53

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