Original Message: Did anyone hear about the debacle in Lost Angeles from a fire under an interstate (freeway)? |
What happened was Lost Angeles code-enforcement was so busy with other things (enforcing Covid restrictions?) they never bothered to police numerous storage yards placed under interstate bridges until one massive collection of wooden pallets (grossly outside permits) went up sending thousands of degrees of super-heated air up into the concrete/steel of the road and bridge-support pillars. At first inspectors said the affected stretch of I-10 would have to be torn down and rebuilt - which would have shut down one of the most heavily-traveled roadways in the world for at least a couple of months. Not surprisingly after Gavin "Haircut" Newsom visited and "took charge" of the situation (rolls eyes) the inspectors suddenly decided it didn't have to be shut down and rebuilt after all. No doubt the unions pushed for the rebuild even though it was not necessary because they wanted the $$$. Newsom is trying to triangulate so he said "no" to the unions apparently.