Original Message:   All that being said, politics has been called, "The science of compromise".
In that context, there being no perfect solutions, negotiation is a rational alternative. 

Please note that when I use the word "negotiation" it is not with scorn quotes because I mean, "a rational dialectic-based discussion" not a cacogenic Marxist or sophistic dialectic. 

Ordinarily, the 'Crats refuse to engage in a genuine rational dialectic (because facts are like kryptonite to Superman - nods to El Rushbo) but try to substitute a Marxist dialectic or sophistic dialectic and CLAIM it's an authentic rational one. 

One danger to trying to negotiate with ACFs is they try to subvert the process (refuse to negotiate rationally) then claim their opponents are the "bad guys" being "unreasonable". That is the standard Marxist gambit in agreeing to "negotiation".

That may be one good reason to think twice (and then some) before publicly "negotiating" with 'Crats. They simply try to exploit the matter for political gain. 

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