Original Message: I wonder why Seattle voters keep making the same mistakes and blame others |
Even in deep liberal Massachusetts they have a “Republican” governor, Charlie Baker (he’s still a RINO). Seattle has not elected a Republican mayor since the 60s. And the last time we got a Republican governor in Washington was in 1980 with John Spellman. He lost reelection sadly. And we have not had one since. WA voters keep voting for the ‘Crats every time. Then, when they find out they were wrong, they of course blame DJT when they themselves were at fault. If you visit Seattle, you’ll feel depressed. People over there are generally unfriendly, unless you visit some towns like Burien. I would imagine the same thing for Los Angeles. Never elect a mayor like Jenny Durkan and Bruce Harrell. You do NOT want a governor like Jay Inslee. He’s evil. He taxes everything, takes away your freedom, and would even force you to take the vaccine even if it’s proven to suspiciously cause harm. If you suffered an injury, he wouldn’t blink an eye (and he’ll probably smirk too). His motto: “safety” and taxation first, freedom NEVER (not last). And don’t elect a bully like Bob Ferguson (WA’s Attorney General). He’s been wrongfully targeting Tim Eyman (the hero who tried to being back our $30 car tabs) while taking away our tax money. Shame on Ferguson. Our tax money has been going to waste. Finally, how is it that Washington doesn’t have term limits? Bully Inslee has been governor for three terms already. He needs to go. Oh wait, voters keep electing him because they hate DJT and want social justice. I want freedom, liberty, and a well managed city (like some in Florida), not the filthy Seattle it is today. At that point, I decided it wasn’t worth fighting anymore. If they want to have it their way, so be it. I’m bunkering down in AZ, where there’s still a fighting chance. If a miracle happens and voters finally change their ways, maybe I can call Seattle home again. Who knows. I wish those crooks can be voted out.