Original Message:   Understanding the horrors of the left...dragging the USA down into the morass of savagery of the Muslim world
One of the biggest problems preventing Arab/Muslim dominated nations from entering and becoming stable members of the global community of free states, is hyper-partisanship (declaring political opponents to be infidels, i.e., evil).

Whenever there is a major change in government leadership, the incoming regime declare that their opponents were not just wrong on policy, they were "evil" (bad people) so the new regime annihilates their opponent's creations. They terminate all building (as the 'Crats terminated the border wall) and reverse all of the policies (even the ones rooted in common sense). So their culture wastes untold money annihilating and rebuilding things over and over again. 

Violence is often done to the members of the outgoing regime - including murdering them and their families (as the Roman ruling class et al other savage Empires used to do). 

Using legions of rioters/razers to wreak havoc in society (throw a massive, murderous tantrum) is another common occurence in muzz-dominated nations. 

So not only have we been dragged back to the bad-old days of the Old West when there was no reliable public law enforcement to protect cities, we are being dragged back even further into the Dark Ages to the 7th century when the muzz was running amok all over the world using violence as a method of first resort. 

Thanks, 'Crats!!

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