Original Message:   NOTE: One reason 'Crats are losing a lot of black people is the ACF rejection of sheep dogs

People who have lived with dangerous surroundings for awhile easily understand the folly of believing that "responding to violence with love" does anything but create a lot of victims but no fewer predators. 

Violent criminals generally do not philosophize, they ACT. They seize the initiative to "take what can be taken" without regard for morality. They are governed by only one principle - practicality. They don't ask themselves, "should I do this?" but only "can I get away with doing this?". Smart people who live among such predators understand this and know that the only effective means of protecting themselves is to be prepared to use immediate means (defensive violence). 

So if someone with a gun comes looking for a black person with bad intent, they know it's not just time to squeal for help to the LEOs, it's time to go grab a weapon to meet the threat HEAD ON!!!

That is called "courage" (pronounced "courage")to wit, the unflinching willingness to face a direct challenge without delay, in order to protect one's self and those one cares about. 

No amount of blathering will convince a smart person of something they know to be otherwise because of their own experience. So a large and increasing number of black people (especially black females) are arming themselves so that they don't have to call a sheep dog to help them when they are in trouble - they can protect themselves until the cavalry arrives. 

If you want to alienate black people, tell them that they don't have a right to defend themselves from attack. That's what the entire ACF hoplophobia movement is seeking to do - eradicate sheep dogs from society - persecute them as bad people for no other reason that that they like the idea of being able to defend THEMSELVES in an emergency. 

One of the best films on this topic ( first raised by HG Wells' Eloi vs. Morlocks of Time Machine) is the much-underrated half-comedy SF movie, Demolition Man (Sylvester Stallone/Wesley Snipes). The film depicts a future society where violence of ANY kind is viewed as "pathological". The police forces are unable to respond to violence directly with effective deterrent strength. IOW, the officers themselves are easy prey, because they have no experience with or desire to learn close-combat. 

One of the principles of the film (Stallone) is a former cop who was put into hibernation as punishment (instead of just killing  him) because he caused too much hupla in the process of capturing a mass-murdering psychopath on a rampage. The desperate sheeple thaw him out to use him as a weapon to defend themselves from an escaped psychopath (delightfully portrayed by Wesley Snipes). I won't give away any more of the plot in case someone reading hasn't seen the movie. 

Bottom line is, just as illustrated in HG Well's Time Machine, there can be no permanent division between predators and harmless herbivores in civilization. Violence is a part of the fabric of the universe and the need for those who are capable of matching the violence of miscreants/sociopaths with righteous violence of their own is eternal. 

We will always need people like Kyle and countless other sheep dogs, who are unafraid to face wolves head-on if necessary, and even injure/destroy them rather than let them in their madness, run amok preying-on/destroying innocents at will.

Many (most) black people intuitively understand all of the above and cannot easily be convinced otherwise - not even by dangling the goodies promised by Marxist Utopian seduction. 

"Just give up your guns and we will protect you!!" the Marxists promise the black population. 

To which the black population increasingly responds, "Bullshit! TYVM MF, but I'll KEEP my right to defend MY SEF !!" God bless them.

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