Oops, GOP pulls Kerry-Edwards "Gay" TV ad

Posted by: Fritz ®

07/10/2004, 13:31:44

GOP Replaces Controversial Bush Ad After Kerry Complains



We are NOT Gay say Kerry
and Edwards.
July 10, 2004 -- The Republican National Committee (RNC) has halted broadcast of a controversial advertisement portraying the Kerry-Edwards Democrat team as effeminate, “light in the loafers” and soft on terrorism in contrast to President George Bush's philosophy of a strong manly self-defense.

The RNC decision follows criticism from John Kerry and John Edwards that the ad made them look Gay and unpatriotic and was a Republican attempt to blackmail the Kerry-Edwards duo.

The 30-second TV spot, which began airing in Georgia last week claimed that Kerry and Edwards "are now attacking the president with their purses for attacking the terrorists."

In order to be fair and to maintain Mr. Bush's commitment to political civility, new TV ads will begin airing later this week. In them, the President is seen talking directly to the American people.
Below is the full text of the ad.

PRESIDENT BUSH: "I believe that a manly pre-emptive self-defense is the only way to deal with terrorists. John Kerry opposes me in this and thinks that we ought to go to the United Nations and gently ask France and Germany to pass more resolutions designed to stamp out terrorism

Now, I would never suggest that Mr. Kerry is unpatriotic. The right to disagree is one of our basic freedoms. So if my Democrat opponent wants
to hug and kiss Mr. Edwards while protesting my policies on the steps of the United Nations, those two can do so. That's the American way.


Hell, if they want to wear blue helmets and drive BMWs while cooing in French -- that's their prerogative. It doesn't make him any less patriotic or masculine.

My opponents are great Americans. Kerry and Edwards are stalwart American patriots whose only concern is that we have full employment, so that every office and cubicle will be occupied the next time a hijacked plane slams into a building.

Did I say that, or just think it?"

NARRATOR: President Bush -- defender of Democrat patriotism, champion of political civility.



Copied Right 2004, The Assorted Press and "Americans for a more manly America Inc."