Michael Moore seeks atonement, will now make film celebrating defeat of Saddam Hussein

Posted by: Fritz ®

07/09/2004, 09:09:57

Hollywood Liberals to Star in Heroic Iraq War Film

Michael Moore Signs Big Stars for 'Iraqi Freedom'



"You can bash Bush
and make money, isn't
America great?"
Michael Moore

July 2004 (TAP) – Following the success of his prize winning anti-Bush propaganda film, Fahrenheit 911, Michael Moore has decided to present the other side of the story; the stunning victory in Iraq and capture of Saddam Hussein in America’s war on terrorism.


Propaganda filmmaker, Michael Moore announced today he has signed a "big-name cast of celebrities" to star in his next film, tentatively entitled 'Iraqi Freedom'.

The movie, celebrating the heroic war to topple Saddam Hussein, will feature:

-- Alec Baldwin as Donald Rumsfeld

-- Barbra Streisand will stop shaving to play Saddam Hussein
-- Martin Sheen as General Tommy Franks
-- Janeane Garofalo as Pfc. Jessica Lynch
-- Sean Penn as the Iraqi lawyer, Mohammed who directed rescuers to Jessica Lynch

-- Michael Moore will play a cameo role as the Iraqi Minister of Information.


When Assorted Press reporters pointed out that everyone involved in the film were Bush-haters and were opposed the war on terrorism, Mr. Moore said, "That's no reason why we shouldn't make some money off it. That's the great thing about America. You can hate America and bash the President during war time, and still cash in."



Copied Right 2004, The Assorted Press and Michael Moore is a big fat liar Inc